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Search: “military industrial complex”

We found 58 results for your search.

5. December 2016

Tomorrow at 8 PM acTVism Munich will appear on egoFM Radio Young Talents Program!

Tomorrow acTVism Munich will appear on egoFM Radio Young talents to provide insights into our organization: how we function and what our goals and vision are for the future. We will also talk about our upcoming projects including our event with Edward Snowden.

4. December 2016

Paul Jay and Abby Martin discussTrump’s cabinet, Jill Stein’s recount, Fake News and US foreign policy

In this discussion produced by The Real News Network, a host of issues are discussed between the founder and senior editor of The Real News Network, Paul Jay, and host of The Empire Files, Abby Martin.

3. December 2016

Bernie Sanders talks about US Foreign Policy & CIA operations in Latin America & the Middle East

Bernie Sanders talks about US Foreign Policy & CIA operations in Latin America & the Middle East In this interview produced by Democracy Now!, Bernie Sanders talks about the the legacy of late Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro and the role that the United States has historically played in Latin America and the Middle East. The […]

29. November 2016

Trump in the White House: An Interview With Noam Chomsky

With permission from Truthout, acTVism Munich translated this article into German. For the English article, visit the original source on

28. November 2016

EVENT VIDEO TRAILER: Edward Snowden, Jeremy Scahill, Jürgen Todenhöfer, Paul Jay, Richard Wolff & Srećko Horvat

On the 15th of January 2017, we are hosting an event called “Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context” at the Muffatwerk in Munich. This video trailer introduces all experts that will be interviewed individually for this event.

22. November 2016

Varoufakis: Trump victory comes with a silver lining for the world’s progressives

With permission from Yanis Vaourfakis, acTVism Munich translated this article into German. For the English article, visit the original source on

18. November 2016

Richard Wolff: “Election as a Weapon of Mass Distraction”

In this video produced by Democracy at work, Prof. Richard Wolff talks about the elections and why they served to the distract the population from issues that are of profound importance.

17. November 2016

Reexamining History with Chomsky: The Marshall Plan

The following video is a continuation of our series “Re-examining History”, which features an interview that we held with Prof. Noam Chomsky. Prof Chomsky will focus on historical developments that seldom, if at all, appear or are discussed in Western mainstream historical literature.

15. November 2016

Democrats, Trump and the Ongoing Dangerous Refusal to Learn the Lesson of Brexit

acTVism Munich translated this article from The Intercept into German. For the English article, visit the original source on The Intercept.