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Search: “jill stein”

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22. December 2017

EDITORIAL PICK: Jill Stein Denounces Probe over ‘Collusion with Russians’

In this week’s acTVism Editorial pick, Aaron Mate of The Real News Network talks to Jill Stein, the American Green Party’s presidential candidate in 2016 and 2012 , about why her party is currently being investigated for “Russian Collusion” by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

4. December 2016

Paul Jay and Abby Martin discussTrump’s cabinet, Jill Stein’s recount, Fake News and US foreign policy

In this discussion produced by The Real News Network, a host of issues are discussed between the founder and senior editor of The Real News Network, Paul Jay, and host of The Empire Files, Abby Martin.

16. June 2016

Jill Stein Wins Green Party Primary, Calls for Inclusion in Debate

acTVism Munich translated the following content from “Democracy Now!” into German. For the English article, visit the original source: “Democracy Now!”

17. December 2023

History of Israel & Palestine you won’t hear in the media | Dr. Norman Finkelstein

History of Israel & Palestine you won’t hear in the media | Dr. Norman Finkelstein.

14. April 2021

How Military Spending Affects the Corona Virus Crisis | Andrew Feinstein

This video from “Share the World’s Resources” explains how military spending adversely affects our ability to deal with the Corona virus.

6. April 2021

How Military Spending Affects the Corona Virus Crisis | Andrew Feinstein

This video from “Share the World’s Resources” explains how military spending adversely affects our ability to deal with the Corona virus.

16. May 2018

Interview with Abby Martin – Corporate Media, Imperialism & People Power

On the 6th of May 2018 we organized an event at the Muffatwerk in Munich with Glenn Greenwald, Jill Stein & Abby Martin under the title „Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context 2.0″.

6. May 2018

Thank You for coming! A Message for our Viewers & Supporters

Our entire team would like to personally thank you for taking part in our event with Glenn Greenwald, Abby Martin & Jill Stein.

3. July 2024

Our last update on the Assange case from Taylor Hudak

Our last update on the Assange case from Taylor Hudak.