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Search: “assange”

We found 416 results for your search.

14. July 2020

Attack on Free Speech – Journalist Craig Murray Charged with Contempt of Court in the UK

In this video, we provide an overview of the case against Craig Murray. Murray is a journalist and former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan.

8. July 2020

Why the United States is a Threat to Human Existence | Prof. Peter Kuznick

Prof. Kunzick examines the international arms treaties that the USA has terminated since the 2000s and what significance they bear on world peace & stability.

11. June 2020

The Journalist They Couldn’t Silence

In this documentary, we examine the career of kiwi journalist and activist Suzie Dawson.

7. June 2020

Black Live Matters – Why the System Question is relevant against Racism | Zain Raza

Black Live Matters – Why the System Question is relevant against Racism | Zain Raza

5. June 2020

George Floyd, Black Lives Matter & U.S. Militarisation | Prof. Peter Kuznick

In this exclusive interview with author and Professor of History at American University Peter Kuznick, we talk about George Floyd’s case and provide historical context to it.

7. May 2020

Ben Norton – History of Nicaragua & U.S. Intervention in Iran during the Coronavirus Pandemic

In this interview with journalist, filmmaker and writer Ben Norton, we examine the history of Nicaragua within the context of U.S. imperialism.

3. May 2020

Why this Mainstream Media Journalist Resigned from Newsweek

In this interview we speak with editor-in-chief of The Watchdog Tareq Haddad about why he chose to resign from his position at Newsweek.

Journalist Anya Parampil on Venezuela, Bolivia & update on U.S. involvement

In this interview with investigative journalist for the Grayzone Project Anya Parampil, we examine the situation in Venezuela before and during COVID19 both domestically and in terms of U.S. intervention.

1. May 2020

Michael Hudson on the Ancient History of Debt Cancellation, Austerity in Europe & Rental Costs

In this exclusive interview with author, economist and anthropologist Professor Michael Hudson, we talk about his latest book “…and forgive them their debts.” which chronicles finance and debt cancellation through the ages.