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Search: “assange”

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16. December 2020

Crowdfunding Update Week 2: Support us today!

Status as of 16th of December: 88 people supported us and we’ve reached 3000 Euro thus far.

11. December 2020

acTVism Munich Crowdfunding Update: Support us today!

So far 33 people have supported us and we have reached Euro 1500. We require at least another Euro 13.500 in order to be able to continue our journalism independently in 2021.

9. December 2020

CROWDFUNDING: Protect Press Freedom & Independent Journalism

On the 4th of December 2020 we started our Crowdfunding campaign with the goal of continuing our independent and non-profit journalism for the year 2021. This campaign will end on the 6th of January 2021.

27. November 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: Empire Update: Trump Ending Afghanistan War?

Dieses Video wurde von The Empire Files produziert und von acTVism Munich aufgrund mangelnder Berichterstattung in der lokalen Medienlandschaft in die deutsche Sprache übersetzt.

26. November 2020

VIDEO SERIES: The activist whom the USA could not Extradite

In this exclusive 3-part video series we interview Lauri Love, an activist and computer scientist who successfully resisted U.S. extradition.

25. November 2020

The Actual Reason Why America Dropped 2 Atomic Bombs on Japan

In this video series with Peter Kuznick, author and professor of history at the American University, we examine one of the greatest myths in American history.

2. November 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: What comes after Capitalism? | Yanis Varoufakis

Dieses Interview wurde von Progressive International unter dem Titel: “Gipfeltreffen 2020: Was kommt nach dem Kapitalismus?” am 18.September 2020 veranstaltet.

27. October 2020

Zain Raza

Zain Raza is the Founder and Senior Editor of acTVism Munich. He is a journalist, activist and cultural promoter in Munich. As an activist he co-organized a number of demonstrations in Munich which included “March Against Monsanto”, and as a cultural promoter he brought hundreds of people together with his event “Pakistani on the Menu” […]