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Search: “gerald hüther”

We found 303 results for your search.

21. September 2017

Perspektiven der Demokratie | Mit Katharina Nocun- Teil 4 von 6

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English.

20. September 2017

Perspektiven der Demokratie | Mit Christian Felber – Teil 3 von 6

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English.

18. September 2017

Perspektiven der Demokratie | Mit Andreas Bummel – Teil 1 von 6

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English. Please donate today so we can translate all of our work into the English language by clicking here.

13. September 2017

Interview Series: Perspectives of Democracy

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English. Please donate today so we can translate all of our work into the English language by clicking here.

1. January 2017

EVENT: Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context

At the end of the Second World War a new era of globalization of capital and production began that continues on today and is enforced through manifold free trade agreements. Another turning point was 9/11. Since then, an increased military presence and an expanding security apparatus is leading to more surveillance and violence in the name of national security.

21. March 2015

About us

acTVism Munich e.V. If you want to find out more about our organization, please view this video (You can activiate English subtitles from the settings in YouTube) Mission Vision History 2013 Zain Raza introduces on social media the idea of an independent media outlet based on the principles of citizen journalism and activism. The idea spreads […]