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Search: “assange”

We found 416 results for your search.

30. November 2021

The Jakarta Method – How the US brutally exterminated Leftist Movements during the Cold War

In this video, we talk with American journalist Vincent Bevins about how the U.S. brutally exterminated leftist movements during the Cold War.

26. November 2021

The Elephant in the Room: Militarisation & the Climate Crisis

In this episode of Know Your Stuff, we interview Nick Buxton, an activist and researcher at the Transnational Institute (TNI), about militarisation and climate change.

24. November 2021

How Meat Production & Consumption affect the Climate | Interview with Climate Scientist Atul Jain

How Meat Production & Consumption affect the Climate | Interview with Climate Scientist Atul Jain.

16. November 2021

How Meat Production & Consumption affect the Climate | Interview with Climate Scientist Atul Jain

In this episode of The Source, we talk with Atul Jain, a climate scientist at the University of Illinois, about the impact of meat production and consumption on the climate. We go into detail about his recent scientific paper titled “Global greenhouse gas emissions from animal-based foods are twice those of plant-based foods’” published in […]

15. November 2021

How Meat Production & Consumption affect the Climate | Interview with Climate Scientist Atul Jain

How Meat Production & Consumption affect the Climate | Interview with Climate Scientist Atul Jain.

6. October 2021

Is there a link between Gender Equality and the Climate Crisis?

In this episode of The Source, we interview Anne Karpf, a journalist, writer, and professor of life writing and culture at London Metropolitan University.

5. October 2021

Afghanistan: Key Facts missing in the Media | Part 3/3

Afghanistan: Key Facts missing in the Media | Part 3/3.

4. October 2021

The Future of the German Economy | Post-Election Analysis with Prof. Richard Werner

Professor Werner explains his perspective on the recent national German election and what its outcome could mean for the German economy.

1. October 2021

The Amazon Rainforest Is Disappearing – What can be done?

In diesem Video interviewen wir Marcio Astrini, Exekutivsekretär von Observatório do Clima, über das Verschwinden des Amazonas-Regenwaldes.