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Search: “shir hever”

We found 50 results for your search.

11. November 2021

Is Israel a leader in Security Technology? Examining recent failures with Dr. Shir Hever

Is Israel a leader in Security Technology? Examining recent failures with Dr. Shir Hever.

12. October 2021

Is Israel a leader in Security Technology? Examining recent failures with Dr. Shir Hever

In this video we talk with Dr. Hever about why Israel is facing setbacks despite being known worldwide as a leader in security technology.

6. October 2021

Activists sue German Parliament over anti-BDS resolution | Dr. Shir Hever

In this video, we speak with independent economic researcher, journalist, and author Dr. Hever about a trial that begins tomorrow in which activists have sued the German Bundestag over its 2019 resolution condemning BDS as anti-Semitic.

31. May 2021

Why did Israel attack Gaza? | Interview with Dr. Shir Hever

In diesem Video sprechen wir mit unserem wiederholten Gast Dr. Hever darüber, warum Israel den Gazastreifen angegriffen hat.

25. May 2021

Why did Israel attack Gaza? | Interview with Dr. Shir Hever

Dr. Hever explains how Israeli domestic politics has played a role in the recent attacks on Gaza and how the significance of Sheikh Jarrah.

18. October 2018

Know your Stuff: Israel’s “Jewish Nation-State Law” Explained by Dr. Shir Hever

In this video independent economic researcher, author and journalist, Dr. Shir Hever, explains Israel’s “Jewish Nation-State Law”, provides context to it and examines its significance.

11. January 2018

Know Your Stuff: The History of American-Israeli Relations | Dr. Shir Hever

In this video Dr. Shir Hever, an independent economic researcher and journalist, talks about the history of the American-Israeli relationship since the emergence of the state of Israel in 1948.

27. December 2017

REWIND: Everything that You need to know about the Israel-Palestine Conflict | With Dr. Shir Hever

In this educational video series that we produced in 2017 with independent journalist, author & economic researcher, Dr. Shir Hever, we took a contextual, systemic and historical approach towards the Israel-Palestine conflict.

28. November 2017

The Origins of the Israel-Palestine Conflict | With Dr. Shir Hever

In this educational video Dr. Shir Hever, an independent journalist, author & economic researcher, discusses the origins of the Israel-Palestine conflict by providing an in-depth historical perspective.