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Search: “dimitri lascaris”

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15. July 2015

Dimitri Lascaris – The Greek Crisis

Dimitri Lascaris – The Greek Crisis Dmitri Lascaris, of Siskinds Law Firm, answered questions that acTVIsm Munich put to him about the crisis in Greece. He provides his analysis on the voting results of the Greek referendum, austerity and its effects on the Eurozone. acTVism Munich (aTV): On the 5th of July, 2015, the Greek […]

10. April 2020

Exposing Canadian Foreign Policy, Neoliberalism & the collapse of Healthcare in the U.S

In this interview we examine the Canadian & U.S. healthcare system with lawyer, journalist and Green Party member of Canada Dimitri Lascaris.

5. February 2019

EDITORIAL PICK: Reporting from the streets of Venezuela on Pro- & Anti-Government Marches

In this acTVism Editorial Pick, we share a video from the correspondent of The Real News Network, Dimitri Lascaris, who reports from the ground in Caracas about Saturday’s pro- and anti-government marches, highlighting their peacefulness and equal size.

28. June 2018

Why the Freedom Flotilla Must Sail to Gaza: A Conversation with Portuguese MP Bruno Dias

Portuguese MP Bruno Dias, President of the Portugal-Palestine InterParliamentary Friendship Group, explains to Dimitri Lascaris of The Real News Network why he supports the Freedom Flotilla’s expedition to the blockades and devastated Gaza Strip.

8. December 2017

Bankrupt Greece Becomes a Major Military Spender and “Sales Agent” for NATO

In this acTVism Munich editorial pick, Dimitri Lascaris of The Real News Network talks to Costas Isychos, the former Deputy Defence Minister of Greece, about Syriza government’s policy of cooperating militarily with NATO and Israel – the contradictions this policy entails and what effects it has for Greece both domestically and abroad.

15. July 2016

Inside Report: Kara Tepe Refugee Camp in Lesvos – Greece

In this exclusive video report produced by the Real News Network (TRNN), Dimitri Lascaris, correspondent for TRNN, provides context to the ongoing refugee crises and talks directly with two refugees from the Kara Tepe refugee camp in Lesvos, Greece, about their travel experiences as well as the reasons why they left their countries of origin.

24. May 2024

ICC arrest warrants against Israel and Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv

ICC arrest warrants against Israel and Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv

22. May 2024

ICC arrest warrants against Israel and Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv

ICC arrest warrants against Israel and Russia’s offensive in Kharkiv.