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Search: “abby martin”

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13. May 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: The Woke CIA PsyOp | Abby Martin

In this week’s editorial selection for our Import program, we select a video produced by The Empire Files and narrated by Abby Martin that examines the CIA’s recruitment process.

27. April 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Arctic War, Aid to Israel Challenge, Army VR Money Pit

Abby Martin’s Empire Update wraps up the last weeks in US imperialism.

21. April 2021

Editorial Pick: Uganda Dictatorship: Imperialism’s Pearl of Africa

Editorial Pick: Uganda Dictatorship: Imperialism’s Pearl of Africa.

23. February 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Afghanistan Mercenary Shocker & US Says Nuclear War “Very Real Possibility”

In der redaktionellen Auswahl dieser Woche für unser Importprogramm wählen wir ein von The Empire Files produziertes und von Abby Martin moderiertes Video aus, in dem die ersten außenpolitischen Schritte der Biden-Administration analysiert werden.

25. December 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: Biden’s Scary Foreign Policy Picks: A Blast From War Crimes Past

In this week’s editorial pick, we select an update on U.S. foreign policy produced by The Empire Files and narrated by Abby Martin.

22. December 2020

Can we save Assange? Abby Martin, Snowden, Chomsky, Varoufakis, Greenwald & others speak out!

In this video, we compile our work on the case of Julian Assange & press freedom that we undertook from 2014 until now.

15. December 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: Abby Martin’s Lawsuit Over Israel Loyalty Oath Mandate in US

In this week’s editorial pick, we select an a video from the Empire Files that discusses Abby Martin’s major lawsuit challenging the pro-Israel, anti-BDS law in the state of Georgia.

3. December 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: Empire Update: Did Trump Order Iran Assassination?

In this week’s editorial pick, we select an update on U.S. imperialism produced by The Empire Files and narrated by Abby Martin.

27. November 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: Empire Update: Trump Ending Afghanistan War?

Dieses Video wurde von The Empire Files produziert und von acTVism Munich aufgrund mangelnder Berichterstattung in der lokalen Medienlandschaft in die deutsche Sprache übersetzt.