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Search: “rainer mausfeld”

We found 292 results for your search.

14. April 2021

How Military Spending Affects the Corona Virus Crisis | Andrew Feinstein

This video from “Share the World’s Resources” explains how military spending adversely affects our ability to deal with the Corona virus.

8. April 2021

Chomsky on the ‘joke’ of ‘Russian interference’ & the savagery of US sanctions

Chomsky on the ‘joke’ of ‘Russian interference’ & the savagery of US sanctions

3. April 2021

SCANDAL: The OPCW Syria Cover-up exposed by Journalist Aaron Mate

In this video, we speak with The Grayzone journalist Aaron Mate on the latest update on the OPCW scandal and cover-up.

26. March 2021

Editorial Pick: Global Coup d’État – Mapping the Corporate Takeover of Global Governance

Nick Buxton is an experienced communications consultant and works as a publications editor and future labs coordinator for The Transnational Institute. He works actively on issues of border politics, climate change, militarism and economic justice and was co-editor of The Secure and the Dispossessed – How the military and corporations are seeking to shape a climate-changed world (Pluto Press, 2015). He is founder and chief editor of TNI’s flagship annual publication, State of Power.

20. March 2021

The State of the Empire under the Biden Admin. | With Retired Army Colonel Wilkerson

Wilkerson speaks about US foreign policy under the Biden Administration and what the public can expect during the next four years.

25. February 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: The Oil Interests Behind the War in Yemen

In this week’s editorial pick for our Import program, we select a video from about U.S. foreign policy stance towards Yemen under the Biden administration.

24. February 2021

Assange Update: Shocking Prison Conditions & Biden Admin Appeals Extradition

In this video, we explain the latest developments in the case of Julian Assange.

15. February 2021

Warum Wahlen weniger demokratisch sein könnten als wir denken | Filmemacher Jens Magnus

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this content into English.