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Search: “wikileaks”

We found 186 results for your search.

22. October 2019

Der Fall Julian Assange – Analysen von Rainer Mausfeld, Yanis Varoufakis und Aaron Maté

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable the content on this page into English.

22. September 2019

Ignorance or Concealment? Germany’s leading daily News Outlet fails to report on U.S. War Crimes

The most watched daily news segment in Germany, the Tagesschau, failed to report on U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan even though it regularly reports on the terrorist attacks of the Taliban.

Ignorance or Concealment? Germany’s leading daily News Outlet fails to report on U.S. War Crimes | Zain Raza

The most watched daily news segment in Germany, the Tagesschau, failed to report on U.S. war crimes in Afghanistan even though it regularly reports on the war crimes/terrorist attacks of the Taliban.

14. July 2019

Die komplette acTVism Videoserie mit Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausfeld

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this content into English.

10. June 2019

EDITORIAL PICK: Charging Assange criminalizes journalism and helps the powerful

In this video produced by the GrayZone project and translated by acTVism Munich into the German language, independent journalist Aaron Maté explains why the US effort to extradite WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange is a war on press freedom

1. June 2019

Rainer Mausfeld über Jordan Peterson, Grundeinkommen, Militarismus & individuelle Lösungen (Teil 2)

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this content into English.

26. May 2019

Prof. Dr. Rainer Mausfeld | Vorschau von Teil 2

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this content into English.

4. May 2019

Assange, Snowden, Chomsky, Varoufakis, Abby Martin & Greenwald | Change is possible!

acTVIsm Munich Video – A Compilation: Assange, Snowden, Chomsky, Varoufakis, Abby Martin & Greenwald | Change is possible!

29. April 2019

Public Protest on the 2nd of May in Berlin: “We are all Julian Assange!”

Public Protest in Berlin on the 2nd of May: We are all Julian Assange!