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Search: “mehr demokratie”

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23. April 2015

TTIP-Demonstration Munich

On the 18th of April 2015, Bündnis STOP TTIP organized a STOP TTIP-Demonstration against transnational agreements such as #‎TTIP‬, ‪#‎TISA‬ and ‪#‎CETA. An estimated 19,000 people took part in the demonstration. In this acTVism report, we asked experts about the underlying contradictions and problems of free trade agreements and accompanied them with solutions that the individual can implement. […]

7. January 2015

Significance of Whistleblowers, Activism and Independent Media

An informational event was hosted by acTVism Munich at the Muffatwerk in Munich in which the significance and role of whistleblowers, the alternative media, activism and a host of other related issues were discussed.