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Search: “mehr demokratie”

We found 144 results for your search.

14. April 2016

Exclusive Interview with the Founders of DiEM25 – Yanis Varoufakis & Srecko Horvat

In this interview we talk to the former finance minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis, and philosopher, activist and author, Srecko Horvat. Together they launched the Democracy in Europe Movement 25 (DiEM25) on the 9th of February, 2016, in Berlin.

6. April 2016

Bahrain: Critics Unwelcome

Due to limited financial and technical resources, acTVism Munich was unable to translate this article into English. It is only available in German. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please support us by donating today, so we can translate all of our projects.

30. March 2016

Snowden was right: FBI can hack phones without Apple

acTVism Munich only makes the German translations via The Intercept available on it’s website.
For the English article, visit the original source The Intercept

27. March 2016

Online TV Program April 2016: Noam Chomsky, Snowden, Greenwald, Varoufakis, TTIP and DiEM25

Online TV Program April 2016: Noam Chomsky, Snowden, Greenwald, Varoufakis, TTIP and DiEM25

14. March 2016

Noam Chomsky Joins Varoufakis’ Movement DiEM25

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS, March 14, 2016– Distinguished American linguist, philosopher and political activist, Noam Chomsky, has officially endorsed DiEM25, the Democracy in Europe Movement launched last month by Greece’s former Finance Minister, Yanis Varoufakis.

15. October 2015

EVENT: Germany’s role in the European Union and International Affairs with Noam Chomsky & Heiner Flassbeck

BUY TICKETS Germany has been a formidable presence both politically and culturally in Europe and internationally. From its role in both world wars to its transatlantic alliance with the USA in the post-war period and its eventual reunion, Germany has once again become a dominant economic and political force within the European continent and abroad. […]

10. October 2015

Demonstration in Munich: Freedom instead of Fear

The “Freedom instead of Fear (FST) took place on the 10th of October, 2015, in Munich. acTVism Munich interviewed one of the demonstrators, Franz Haslbeck who his experience and opinion on this demonstration. Due to limitied capacities, acTVism translated only bits and pieces of the voll full German interview. Franz Haslbeck is a local activist and […]

23. April 2015

TTIP-Demonstration Munich

On the 18th of April 2015, Bündnis STOP TTIP organized a STOP TTIP-Demonstration against transnational agreements such as #‎TTIP‬, ‪#‎TISA‬ and ‪#‎CETA. An estimated 19,000 people took part in the demonstration. In this acTVism report, we asked experts about the underlying contradictions and problems of free trade agreements and accompanied them with solutions that the individual can implement. […]

7. January 2015

Significance of Whistleblowers, Activism and Independent Media

An informational event was hosted by acTVism Munich at the Muffatwerk in Munich in which the significance and role of whistleblowers, the alternative media, activism and a host of other related issues were discussed.