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Search: “assange”

We found 416 results for your search.

7. July 2021

Why Julian Assange should be freed now | National Union of Journalists

In this video, Tim Dawson, Executive Member of the National Union of Journalists of Britain and Ireland, explains why Julian Assange should be released now.

6. July 2021

Taylor Hudak Speech on the Fight to Free Julian Assange

Taylor Hudak Speech on the Fight to Free Julian Assange.

3. July 2021

EXCLUSIVE: Julian Assange’s Father and Brother Interview

EXCLUSIVE: Julian Assange’s Father and Brother Interview.

1. July 2021

Taylor Hudak Speech on the Fight to Free Julian Assange

In this video, acTVism Munich’s Taylor Hudak speaks at the Home Run for Julian Event in  Columbus, OH.

22. June 2021

EXCLUSIVE: Julian Assange’s Father and Brother Interview

EXCLUSIVE interview with Julian Assange’s father and brother on acTVism Munich moderated by Taylor Hudak.

10. June 2021

Nils Melzer’s Speech in Geneva on Julian Assange, Edward Snowden & Chelsea Manning

Nils Melzer’s Speech in Geneva on Julian Assange, Edward Snowden & Chelsea Manning.

9. June 2021

Assange’s fiancée Stella Moris on the Espionage Act & Free Speech

Assange’s fiancée Stella Moris on the Espionage Act & Free Speech-

7. June 2021

Assange’s partner Stella Moris gives powerful speech in Geneva to demand for his release

Assange’s partner Stella Moris gives powerful speech in Geneva to demand for his release.

26. May 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Nils Melzer – Int. Symposium of Parliamentarians on the Assange case

EDITORIAL PICK: Nils Melzer – Int. Symposium of Parliamentarians on the Assange case.