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Search: “assange”

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16. September 2021

Assange update: New Audio Recording exposes weak US case

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13. September 2021

Edward Snowden & Julian Assange’s warning about the Security and Surveillance Industrial Complex

Edward Snowden & Julian Assange’s warning about the Security and Surveillance Industrial Complex.

10. September 2021

Jeremy Corbyn, John Pilger & Stella Moris speak out for Julian Assange

In this video, British politician Jeremy Corbyn, journalist John Pilger and Assange’s fiancée Stella Moris speak out for Julian Assange.

6. September 2021

Stella Moris on Assange: “The worst forces are attacking the greatest virtues.”

In an explosive, rare long form interview UK hip hop legend and activist Lowkey speaks to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s partner Stella Moris.

3. September 2021

Jeremy Corbyn, John Pilger & Stella Moris speak out for Julian Assange

In this video, British politician Jeremy Corbyn, journalist John Pilger and Assange’s fiancée Stella Moris speak out for Julian Assange.

3. August 2021

Edward Snowden & Julian Assange’s warning about the Security and Surveillance Industrial Complex

In this video, journalist Julian Assange and whistleblowers Edward Snowden and William Binney warn us about the security and surveillance complex that has been expanding under the guise of national security since September 11, 2001.

2. August 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Julian Assange’s father and brother travel to Washington to oppose US extradition

EDITORIAL PICK: Julian Assange’s father and brother travel to Washington to oppose US extradition.

28. July 2021

US Spied on Assange & plotted to assassinate him

In this video, Julian Assange’s fiancée, Stella Moris, talks about the U.S. spy operation against Julian Assange and the plan to assassinate him.

24. July 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: US refuses to drop Assange hunt even after key witness admits to lies

EDITORIAL PICK: US refuses to drop Assange hunt even after key witness admits to lies.