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16. June 2017

Jeremy Scahill & Glenn Greenwald: What If All Victims of War Received the Media Attention of Manchester Victims?

In diesem Video, das am 25. Mai 2017 von Democracy Now! produziert und von acTVism Munich ins Deutsche übersetzt wurde, sprechen Glenn Greenwald & Jeremy Scahill darüber, wie westliche Mainstream-Medien über zivile Opfer zuhause und im Ausland berichten.

29. April 2017

How do non-profit and independent media outlets measure their success?

In the following video The Real News Network senior editor Paul Jay discusses with acTVism Munich’s senior editor Zain Raza about measuring the success of independent media.

11. April 2017

REWIND: Noam Chomsky on the American Hegemony of Europe – History & Current State

This video is a 40-minute interview that we held with Noam Chomsky at the end of 2015, in which we discussed American Hegemony in Europe – past & present state.

1. January 2017

EVENT: Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context

At the end of the Second World War a new era of globalization of capital and production began that continues on today and is enforced through manifold free trade agreements. Another turning point was 9/11. Since then, an increased military presence and an expanding security apparatus is leading to more surveillance and violence in the name of national security.

8. December 2016

A New Documentary Explores the Devastating Effects of Drone Warfare on Victims and Whistleblowers

acTVism Munich translated this article from The Intercept into German. For the English article, visit the original source on The Intercept.

6. December 2016

In the Trump Era, Leaking and Whistleblowing Are More Urgent, and More Noble, Than Ever – Greenwald

acTVism Munich translated this article from The Intercept into German. For the English article, visit the original source on The Intercept.

4. December 2016

Paul Jay and Abby Martin discussTrump’s cabinet, Jill Stein’s recount, Fake News and US foreign policy

In this discussion produced by The Real News Network, a host of issues are discussed between the founder and senior editor of The Real News Network, Paul Jay, and host of The Empire Files, Abby Martin.

3. December 2016

Bernie Sanders talks about US Foreign Policy & CIA operations in Latin America & the Middle East

Bernie Sanders talks about US Foreign Policy & CIA operations in Latin America & the Middle East In this interview produced by Democracy Now!, Bernie Sanders talks about the the legacy of late Cuban revolutionary Fidel Castro and the role that the United States has historically played in Latin America and the Middle East. The […]

29. November 2016

Trump in the White House: An Interview With Noam Chomsky

With permission from Truthout, acTVism Munich translated this article into German. For the English article, visit the original source on