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Search: “Noam Chomsky”

We found 1,037 results for your search.

25. January 2020

Michael Hudson on the Ancient History of Debt Cancellation, Austerity in Europe & Rental Costs

In this exclusive interview with author, economist and anthropologist Professor Michael Hudson, we talk about his latest book “…and forgive them their debts.” which chronicles finance and debt cancellation through the ages.

20. January 2020

Journalist Anya Parampil on Julian Assange & United States Intervention in Latin America

In this interview with investigative journalist for the Grayzone Project, Anya Parampil, we talk about the extradition case of Julian Assange and examine the United States’ intervention in Latin America in depth.

19. January 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: US Arms Companies Use Trump’s Militarism to Dominate the Global Arms Trade

In this video, produced by The Real News Network and translated into German by acTVism Munich, Aude Fleuran, Director of the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute’s (SIPRI) Arms and Military Expenditure program examines developments in global arms trade in light of their (SIPRI) latest report.

16. January 2020

America’s Longest War – Interview with former U.S. State Department & Pentagon official Matthew Hoh

In this interview with Matthew Hoh, a Senior Fellow at the Center for International Policy and former State Department official, we examine America’s longest war to date – the Afghanistan war.

9. January 2020

The Iran Crisis – Everything you need to know with Prof. Kuznick

In this interview with author and Professor of History Peter Kuznick we examine the recent escalation between the United States and Iran.

7. January 2020

Update: We have achieved our fundraising target!

Today we are launching a crowdfunding campaign that will last until the 1st week of January with the aim of achieving Euro 10,000, so that we can continue to operate as a non-profit, independent, and bilingual media portal for the upcoming year.

5. January 2020

U.S. Assassination of Iran’s General Soleimani & History of Intervention in Iran

In this interview with the national co-director of the antiwar organization CODEPINK, Ariel Gold, we discuss the assassination of Soleimani.

27. December 2019

REWIND: The complete acTVism Video Series with Yanis Varoufakis

Towards the end of the year, we will compile our most exciting and informative interviews that we have conducted from 2014 to 2019. Today we present our video compilation with Yanis Varoufakis.

24. December 2019

The complete acTVism Video Series with NSA-Whistleblower Edward Snowden

Towards the end of the year, we will compile our most exciting and informative interviews that we have conducted from 2014 to 2019. Today we present our video compilation with and about Edward Snowden.