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Search: “peter kuznick”

We found 103 results for your search.

23. June 2021

What’s going on in Nicaragua? | Interview with Central America Analyst Tiziano Breda

In this video we interview Central America analyst at the International Crisis Group, Tiziano Breda, about the situation in Nicaragua.

18. June 2021

Untold History of the United States: DDAY & World War II

In this interview, we explore the historic event known as DDAY with professor of history at American University Prof Kuznick.

30. December 2020

REWIND: The Untold History of the United States | acTVism Video Series

Towards the end of the year, we will compile our most exciting and informative interviews that we have conducted from 2014 to 2020. Today we present our video compilation on the untold story of the United States.

9. December 2020

CROWDFUNDING: Protect Press Freedom & Independent Journalism

On the 4th of December 2020 we started our Crowdfunding campaign with the goal of continuing our independent and non-profit journalism for the year 2021. This campaign will end on the 6th of January 2021.

27. October 2020

Zain Raza

Zain Raza is the Founder and Senior Editor of acTVism Munich. He is a journalist, activist and cultural promoter in Munich. As an activist he co-organized a number of demonstrations in Munich which included “March Against Monsanto”, and as a cultural promoter he brought hundreds of people together with his event “Pakistani on the Menu” […]

11. June 2020

The Journalist They Couldn’t Silence

In this documentary, we examine the career of kiwi journalist and activist Suzie Dawson.

7. June 2020

Black Live Matters – Why the System Question is relevant against Racism | Zain Raza

Black Live Matters – Why the System Question is relevant against Racism | Zain Raza

7. April 2020

Topics not covered during the Coronavirus Crisis | Taylor Hudak & Zain Raza

In this discussion between Taylor Hudak & Zain Raza, editors and journalists of acTVism Munich, the two discuss topics that have been underreported or missed out during the Coronavirus crisis.

4. April 2020

Coronavirus-Krise: Systemfragen, Chancen & Lösungen | Patrick Knodel & Zain Raza

Due to limited financial and technical resourcess, we are unable to translate the following content into the English language.