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Wikileaks Kristinn Hrafnsson on the US persecution of Assange: "A punishment through process."

WikiLeaks Chief Editor’s speech at the Austrian Journalists Club | Assange awarded Journalism Prize

31. March 2022

WikiLeaks’ Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson speech in Vienna on the occasion of this year’s journalist award ceremony as part of the Austrian Media Day 2022 organized by the Austrian Journalists’ Club (ÖJC).

This video was produced by the Don’t Extradite Assange campaign and published on their YouTube channel campaign on February 28, 2022. With permission from the DEA campaign, we have republished this video on our channel to raise awareness of this issue in Germany and worldwide.

VIDEO: WikiLeaks Chief Editor’s speech at the Austrian Journalists Club | Assange awarded Journalism Prize

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Kristinn Hrafnsson – editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks since 2018 and an Icelandic investigative journalist. He was named Icelandic journalist of the year three times, in 2004, 2007 and 2010 by Iceland’s National Union of Journalists; the only journalist ever to receive this award thrice.

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