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In this section you will find external content which we picked for translation, publishing or editing.

26. September 2016

Do People care about Privacy? – with Edward Snowden

On the 25th of March 2016, the University of Arizona organized an event called “A Conversation on Privacy” which hosted Edward Snowden, Noam Chomsky and Glenn Greenwald. Due to the importance of this event to human freedom and liberty, acTVism is translating it, part by part, into the German language. Although we have the personnel to translate the content into Spanish, French and Greek as well, we lack the financial resources that would free up the necessary time required to undertake this critical initiative. Please donate today by clicking here so that we can translate this event and similar initiatives in order to create awareness on a global scale.

22. September 2016

The Schamberger Report II

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!

16. September 2016

Voting does not change anything – OP-ED by Ernst Wolff

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!

14. September 2016

The Schamberger Report I

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!

12. September 2016

Revealing the 9/11 Conspiracy with former US Senator Bob Graham – PART 2

Im folgenden Video spricht Paul Jay von The Real News Network mit dem ehemaligen US-Senator Bob Graham. Graham war der Vorsitzende der „Gemeinsamen Untersuchung der Nachrichtendienst-Aktivitäten vor und nach den Terrorangriffen am 11. September 2011“, in der die Aktivitäten der US-amerikanischen Nachrichtendienste in Verbindung mit den Angriffen am 11. September untersucht wurden. In diesem Interview redet Graham über die saudische Rolle bei den Ereignissen des 11.September, sowie deren Einfluss auf die amerikanische Außenpolitik.

11. September 2016

Investigating the Saudi Government 9/11 Connection – Interview with former US Senator Bob Graham

In the following video Paul Jay from The Real News Network interviews former US Senator Bob Graham. Graham chaired the “Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11 2001” that investigated the activities of the U.S. Intelligence Community in connection with the September 11, 2001 attacks. In this interview Graham talks about his findings on the failures and negligence by US intelligence services before the 9/11 attacks, the role of Saudi Arabia, the 28 redacted pages of the 9/11 report and many other topics that are seldom talked about in the mainstream press.

1. September 2016

acTVism Munich Online TV Program September 2016

Welcome to our online TV program for September 2016. Here you will find information on our upcoming videos and projects. This month’s video releases include: Bob Graham, Yanis Varoufakis, Heiner Flassbeck, TTIP Report, Noam Chomsky and Edward Snowden.

5. August 2016

Rescue of Monte dei Paschi: Sham

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and dub all of our work into English.

4. August 2016

Halle/Chomsky: An Eight Point Brief for LEV (Lesser Evil Voting)

Among the elements of the weak form of democracy enshrined in the constitution, presidential elections continue to pose a dilemma for the left in that any form of participation or non participation appears to impose a significant cost on our capacity to develop a serious opposition to the corporate agenda served by establishment politicians.