In this section you will find external content which we picked for translation, publishing or editing.
Due to limited financial and technical resources, this video is only available in German. Please donate today to our crowdfunding campaign so we can translate all of our content into English. Click here or on the picture below.
A Tax on Robots? | Yanis Varoufakis on acTVism Munich.
Exclusive: Mainstream U.S. media only wants stories of Russian perfidy, so when German intelligence cleared Moscow of suspected subversion of German democracy, the silence was deafening, says ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern.
Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English. Please donate today so we can translate all of our work into the English language by clicking here or on the picture below:
In March 2016, acTVism Munich contacted the University of Arizona College of Social and Behavioural Sciences for permission to translate an event called “A Conversation on Privacy” which hosted Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald and Noam Chomsky into the German language with the goal to create awareness on the issues discussed on a global scale. We not only received permission to translate and republish this event, but we are now happy to announce that we successfully accomplished this goal. The entire event is now available in German and will also be digital archived by us. Although we have the personnel to translate the content into Spanish, French and Greek as well, we lack the financial resources that would free up the necessary time required to undertake this critical initiative. If you think it is important to translate such discussions into multiple language in order to create awareness on them beyond the United States, then click here to donate to our current Crowdfunding campaign. Your donation will assist us in pursueing similar initiatives in the future!
This is the sixth and final video part of an event organized by the University of Arizona College of Social and Behavioral Sciences called “A Conversation on Privacy” which hosted Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald and Noam Chomsky. acTVism translated the entire event, part by part, into the German language. Although we have the personnel to translate the content into Spanish, French and Greek as well, we lack the financial resources that would free up the necessary time required to undertake this critical initiative.
In this discussion produced by The Real News Network, a recent case in Germany is examined by economic researcher and author, Shir Hever, in which a course held by lecturer Eleonora Roldan Mendivil at the Freie University of Berlin was suspended on the grounds of anti-Semitism.
Due to limited financial and technical resources, this video is only available in German. Please donate today to our crowdfunding campaign so we can translate all of our content into English. Click here or on the picture below.
In this discussion produced by The Real News Network, a host of issues are discussed between the founder and senior editor of The Real News Network, Paul Jay, and host of The Empire Files, Abby Martin.