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In this section you will find external content which we picked for translation, publishing or editing.

26. October 2019

US-Finanzsystem: Geldschwemme durch die Hintertür | Ernst Wolff

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable the content on this page into English.

17. October 2019

Fatal for the Environment & Climate: United States Military and War Policy | Reiner Braun

A 2012 report from the US Congress found that the US Military is the largest single consumer of petroleum products in the USA and thus worldwide.

5. July 2019

EDITORIAL PICK: New Evidence Suggests 2018 Chemical Attack in Douma, Syria Was Staged

In this video produced by the The Real News Network and translated by acTVism Munich into the German language, MIT Prof. Theodore Postol talks about the 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria and how it contradicts the official UN report.

10. June 2019

EDITORIAL PICK: Charging Assange criminalizes journalism and helps the powerful

In this video produced by the GrayZone project and translated by acTVism Munich into the German language, independent journalist Aaron Maté explains why the US effort to extradite WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange is a war on press freedom

16. April 2019

Brexit: Steht ein inszenierter Crash bevor?

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

4. April 2019

Noam Chomsky on the State of Democracy & Human Rights

In this video, originally produced by Forces of Renewal Southeast Asia (FORSEA) and translated and synchronized into the German language by acTVism Munich, Prof. Noam Chomsky talks about the state of global democracy and human rights.

14. February 2019

EDITORIAL PICK: A brief History of Venezuela that is ignored by Western Media

In this TRNN produced report translated by acTVism into the German language, Gregory Wilpert briefly summarizes the modern history of Venezuela.

17. December 2018

EDITORIAL PICK: Bernie Sanders – End U.S. Arms Sales to Saudis and Support for its Yemen War

In this interview produced & undertaken by The Real News Network with U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders the genocide in Yemen is discussed including what steps are being taken to stop it.

10. December 2018

Global Finance Casino: The Message of this Year’s End is Game Over | Ernst Wolff

Globales Finanzcasino: Die Botschaft zum Jahresende lautet „Game over“ – Artikel von Autor & Journalist Ernst Wolff auf acTVism Munich e.V.