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In this section you will find external content which we picked for translation, publishing or editing.

5. February 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Pay for pardons? CIA Whistleblower Kiriakou on Trump’s final flop & Biden CIA

In this week’s editorial pick for our Import program, we select an interview from the Grayzone project.

28. January 2021

Economic Update: Noam Chomsky on Prospects & Tasks as 2021 Begins

Economic Update: Noam Chomsky on Prospects & Tasks as 2021 Begins.

18. January 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Navalny poisoning: CIA, MI6, ‘discredited’ state-funded Bellingcat play key role in accusing Russia

In this week’s editorial pick, we select a video by investigative journalist Aaron Mate, who examines accusations by Western governments and media against Russia’s FSB intelligence agency of poisoning opposition activist Alexei Navalny.

5. January 2021

Assange Verdict: Statements from WikiLeaks, Assange’s Partner, Reporters Without Borders & more

These statements were recorded by the campaign “Don’t Extradite Assange” on January 4, 2021, shortly after a British court decided that Assange would not be extradited to the U.S.

3. January 2021

Julian Assange’s Last Interview

Julian Assange’s Last Interview before his Arrest | Produced by the World Ethical Data Forum and republished by acTVism Munich e.V..

25. December 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: Biden’s Scary Foreign Policy Picks: A Blast From War Crimes Past

In this week’s editorial pick, we select an update on U.S. foreign policy produced by The Empire Files and narrated by Abby Martin.

24. December 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: Rafael Correa on Venezuela, Assange, and “preventing the total destruction of our homeland”

In this week’s editorial pick, we select an a video from The Grayzone Project that focuses on the Venezuelan elections, recent developments in Latin America taking into account U.S. intervention and the case of Julian Assange.

15. December 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: Abby Martin’s Lawsuit Over Israel Loyalty Oath Mandate in US

In this week’s editorial pick, we select an a video from the Empire Files that discusses Abby Martin’s major lawsuit challenging the pro-Israel, anti-BDS law in the state of Georgia.

7. December 2020

EDITORIAL PICK: Naomi Klein – Summit 2020 Keynote – The Years Of Repair

In this week’s editorial pick, we select Naomi Klein’s key note speech at the Progressive International Summit of 2020 that took place on 19th of September, 2020.