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In this enlightening video Yanis Varoufakis provides a detailed analysis of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the broader situation in Palestine. Varoufakis details the on-going genocide in Gaza, combined with Israel’s actions in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. This analysis challenges viewers to reflect on the global response to these events and the responsibility of the international community.
This video was produced by DiEM25 and published on their YouTube channel on the 18th of November 2023. We have translated it into German and are republishing it today to help build opinion on this issue in Germany.
To read the transcript click here: Yanis Varoufakis on the ongoing genocide in Gaza perpetrated by the State of Israel
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Yanis Varoufakis is a Greek politician, professor of economic theory at the University of Athens, former finance minister of Greece and founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25). He is also the author of several books on the European debt crisis, financial imbalances in the world, and game theory.
DiEM25 is a pan-European, cross-border movement of democrats that is focused on addressing the economic and social problems faced by Europe today. It provides an alternative to austerity policies that it argues are dividing the continent and fueling the rise of “international nationalists“.
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