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In this section you will find an overview of all content that we produces on a regular basis.

19. September 2015

Vegan Wiesn in Munich

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!  

12. September 2015

Refugees in Munich – acTVism Report

Today I spent some time around local grassroots organizers/activists and the hundreds of ‪#‎refugees‬ coming into Munich thanks to one of the organizers, Judith Pawlos. At the moment, the support system for refugees is ice thin as there is no guarantee for the core team that volunteers will show up the next day as well. […]

5. August 2015

Jürgen Todenhöfer – “Du sollst nicht töten: Mein Traum vom Frieden”.

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!  

23. July 2015

James K. Galbraith: Greece Crisis – Death or Rebirth of the EU?

James Galbraith, author of The End of Normal: The Great Crisis and the Future of Growth, answered questions that acTVIsm Munich put to him about the crisis in Greece. He provides his analysis on the voting results of the Greek referendum, austerity and its effects on the Eurozone. VIDEO: Interview with James Galbraith Transcript: This is […]

15. July 2015

Dimitri Lascaris – The Greek Crisis

Dimitri Lascaris – The Greek Crisis Dmitri Lascaris, of Siskinds Law Firm, answered questions that acTVIsm Munich put to him about the crisis in Greece. He provides his analysis on the voting results of the Greek referendum, austerity and its effects on the Eurozone. acTVism Munich (aTV): On the 5th of July, 2015, the Greek […]

14. July 2015

Krise in Griechenland – Tod oder Wiedergeburt der EU?: Antonis Schwarz

Due to limitied financial and technical resources as a nonprofit and volunteer-based organization, this content is only  available in English. Donate by clicking on the picture so that we can translate all of our pieces in English: Donate today to support independent, non-profit and investigative journalism! Click here or on the picture below:  

9. July 2015

Conrad Schuhler – Tod oder Wiedergeburt der EU?

Due to limitied financial and technical resources as a nonprofit and volunteer-based organization, this content is only  available in English. Donate by clicking on the picture so that we can translate all of our pieces in English: Donate today to support independent, non-profit and investigative journalism! Click here or on the picture below:

12. June 2015

G-7 or Obama’s ‘G-1-plus-6′ – Ray McGovern

As much as President Obama needs President Putin’s help on Syria, Iran and other global hotspots, he has fallen in line behind U.S. hardliners in seeking to ratchet up the confrontation over Ukraine and now is trying to bring the Europeans along at the G-7, writes ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern. The “G-7 summit” at a resort […]

23. April 2015

TTIP-Demonstration Munich

On the 18th of April 2015, Bündnis STOP TTIP organized a STOP TTIP-Demonstration against transnational agreements such as #‎TTIP‬, ‪#‎TISA‬ and ‪#‎CETA. An estimated 19,000 people took part in the demonstration. In this acTVism report, we asked experts about the underlying contradictions and problems of free trade agreements and accompanied them with solutions that the individual can implement. […]