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NATO Parliamentarians Refuse To Acknowledge Value of Palestinian Lives

NATO Parliamentarians Refuse To Acknowledge Value of Palestinian Lives

5. December 2024

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From November 22-25, 2024, Parliamentarians from dozens of NATO countries gathered in Montreal for the 70th Annual NATO Parliamentary Assembly. They did so against the backdrop of a NATO-backed genocide in Palestine and an existentially dangerous war between NATO and Russia. On the final day of the Assembly, after having been refused media accreditation, Dimitri Lascaris stood at the entrance to the venue of the Assembly and asked NATO Parliamentarians whether Ukrainian lives have more value than Palestinian lives. Although Lascaris put the question to dozens of delegates, none of them would answer.

Dieses Video wurde von Dimitri Lascaris produziert und am 25. November 2024 auf seinem YouTube-Kanal veröffentlicht. Wir haben es ins Deutsche übersetzt und veröffentlichen es heute erneut, um zur Meinungsbildung zu diesem Thema in Deutschland und darüber hinaus beizutragen.

VIDEO: NATO Parliamentarians Refuse To Acknowledge Value of Palestinian Lives

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Dimitri Lascaris is a journalist and lawyer. As a lawyer, he specializes in class action litigation, international law and human rights. He was a member of the shadow cabinets of the Green Parties of Canada and Quebec. In 2020, he ran for the leadership of the Green Party of Canada and came in second.

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