GRAIN researcher Devlin Kuyek says the report “An agribusiness greenwashing glossary” identifies ten key greenwashing terms used by Big Food & Big Agribusiness that serve to protect their profits and that confuse people and block real solutions to climate change. Lynn Fries interviews Kuyek on GPEnewsdocs.
This video was produced by GPEnewsdocs and the and published on their YouTube channel on the 19th of October 2022. We have translated it into German and are republishing it today to help build opinion on this issue in Germany.
To read the transcript of this video: Debunking Net Zero, Carbon Offsets, Nature-Based Solutions, Climate Smart Agriculture, Bioeconomy, etc
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Devlin Kuyek is a researcher at GRAIN, a small international non-profit organisation that supports small farmers and social movements in their struggles for community-controlled and biodiversity-based food systems. He monitors and analyses global agribusiness, including the global land rush and corporate concentration in the livestock sector. Devlin co-authored the major 2018 report Emissions impossible: How big meat and dairy are heating up the planet. Based in Montreal, he spends time supporting GRAIN’s partners and staff globally as much as possible.
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