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Our last update on the Assange case from Taylor Hudak

Our last update on the Assange case from Taylor Hudak

3. July 2024

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In our final Julian Assange case update, we report on what led up to the conclusion of the extradition proceedings of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. After several months of intense negotiations between Assange’s legal team and the United States Department of Justice, a plea agreement was reached. Assange plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to obtain and disclose national defense information and was sentenced to time served. He now lives as a free man in his home country of Australia with his family.

To read the transcript of this video: Our last update on the Assange case from Taylor Hudak

VIDEO: Our last update on the Assange case from Taylor Hudak

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Taylor Hudak is an American-Hungarian journalist and covers issues focused on human rights, free speech, press freedom, US foreign policy and corruption. She researches, writes and produces video reports and interviews for acTVism Munich. Taylor earned a bachelor’s degree in English and a master’s degree in journalism and mass communication from Kent State University.

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