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acTVism Munich - Online-TV-Programm

acTVism Munich Online TV Program November 2016

29. October 2016

acTVism Munich Online TV Program November 2016

 Welcome to our online TV program for November 2016. Here you will find everything you need to know about our upcoming videos and projects. This month’s video releases include Pablo Canziani, Noam Chomsky and Edward Snowden.

Due to our upcoming event “Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context with Edward Snowden, Jürgen Todenhöfer, Jeremy Scahill, Srecko Horvat, Richard Wolff and Paul Jay” we are going to scale back on our production and release schedule.  You can find out more about this event under the following link: Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context.

As an independent and non-profit organization with a very limited budget, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to release the listed content in multiple languages as well as on the dates stated below. Please help us achieve these targets by supporting us with a donation: Click here.

November 3rd:  Interview with Atmospheric Physicist Pablo Canziani

CanzianaWe will kick off November with a translation of an interview held by Dharna Noor, producer at The Real News Network, with atmospheric physicist Pablo Canziana. The following questions are addressed in this video interview:

  • What is the significance of the Paris Agreement and will it suffice to curtail climate change?
  • Does the use of fossil fuels entail more benefits to the globe than costs?
  • Is it still possible to stay within the 1.5° Celsius mark or has the necessary time required for this cap elapsed?
  • What is carbon capture and sequestration technology (CCS) and is it a viable alternative to renewable energy?



Language: German (This video is already available in English)

November 12th: Event Introduction Video

On the 10th of November, we are going to release a video that will introduce the work of all the experts who will be participating in our upcoming event “Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context”.

This video will provide a summary of the work of the following experts:

  • Edward Snowden
  • Jürgen Todenhöfer
  • Jeremy Scahill
  • Srecko Horvat
  • Richard Wolff
  • Paul Jay

If you want to find out more about our event, follow the link below:
 Freedom & Democracy: Global Issues in Context

November 17th: Noam Chomsky on the Marshall Plan

IMG_2161Our third video of the month with be a continuation of our series “Re-examining History”, which features an interview that we held with Prof. Noam Chomsky. Prof Chomsky will focus on historical developments that seldom, if at all, appear or are discussed in Western mainstream historical literature. The following questions will be addressed in this video:

  • Was the Marshall plan a success or failure?
  • What sections of US & German society profited from the Marshall plan?


Language: German & English

 November 24th: A Discussion on Privacy Part 5

Greenwald ChomskyOur fourth release of the month will be a translation and synchronization of an event that was organized by the University of Arizona College of Social and Behavioral Sciences called “A Conversation on Privacy”. It hosted Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald and Noam Chomsky.



In this part, the following questions are addressed:

  • What does the FBI versus Apple case mean to our privacy and power of the government?
  • What similarities does this case have with George Orwell’s dystopian novel called “1984”?
  • Does it serve as a warning?
  • How should the concepts of transparency and privacy be applied towards individual citizens and governments?
  • Should there be a balance or should it favor one over the other?
  • What can individual citizens do to shield their privacy online?

For the previous parts, click here.

Language: German (Video available already in English)

November 30th: Turning back the clock: Noam Chomsky – The Political Economy of the Mass Media – Part 1

Noam ChomskyFor our last video of the month, we are going to translate and synchronize a historical lecture held by Prof. Noam Chomsky at the Unversity of Wisconsin on the evening of March 15, 1989.  In this talk, Prof. Chomsky introduces the propaganda model and explains how propaganda and systemic biases function in mass media by providing numerous examples from their coverage on foreign affairs.



The following questions and many more are addressed in this video:

  • Which foreign developments did the mainstream media ignore or deliberately supress before 1989?
  • What is the history of propaganda and how was it applied in the 20th century?
  • Which methods are used to limit the spectrum of debate as well as democratic participation?
  • Which institutions influence the mass media to set a particular agenda, and how so?
  • Who are the proponents of this agenda?

Language: German & English

 Donate to support our Event with Edward Snowden!


We are hosting an event on the 15th of January 2017, which will feature leading experts in Edward Snowden, Jeremy Scahill, Jürgen Todenhöfer, Srecko Horvat, Richard Wolff and Paul Jay, who will talk about various issues (Military Industrial Complex, Political Economy, Mass Media, Activism, etc) with the underlying aim of providing context as well as solutions. For more infos, click here.

Our plan is to live-stream this event on the internet to a global audience and capture it via video to be made available for free on social media. We also hope to translate all the footage into multiple languages to inform people globally and not just from the English speaking world.

Please assist us with a donation today to so that we can not only continue our current operations but also fully realize our plans for the upcoming event. Please support us today by donating via PayPal or Bank transfer by clicking here or on the picture below!

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2 replies on “acTVism Munich Online TV Program November 2016”

Would it be possible for you to make a podcast out of your show? It would be great to have an equivalent of Democracy Now for Europe.

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