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15. January 2017

LIVE-STREAM: acTVism Event – Edward Snowden & Leading Experts

Welcome to the official event page! We will post the link to the live-stream here at 6 PM Munich Time (12 PM New York Time).

6. December 2016

Today at 8 PM acTVism Munich will appear on egoFM Radio Young Talents Program!

TODAY acTVism Munich will appear on egoFM Radio Young talents to provide insights into our organization: how we function and what our goals and vision are for the future. We will also talk about our upcoming projects including our event with Edward Snowden.

5. December 2016

Tomorrow at 8 PM acTVism Munich will appear on egoFM Radio Young Talents Program!

Tomorrow acTVism Munich will appear on egoFM Radio Young talents to provide insights into our organization: how we function and what our goals and vision are for the future. We will also talk about our upcoming projects including our event with Edward Snowden.

29. November 2016

Trump in the White House: An Interview With Noam Chomsky

With permission from Truthout, acTVism Munich translated this article into German. For the English article, visit the original source on

17. November 2016

Reexamining History with Chomsky: The Marshall Plan

The following video is a continuation of our series “Re-examining History”, which features an interview that we held with Prof. Noam Chomsky. Prof Chomsky will focus on historical developments that seldom, if at all, appear or are discussed in Western mainstream historical literature.

7. October 2016

Edward Snowden: Spy or Whistleblower?

In the following video Sharmini Peries from The Real News Netowrk interviews Naureen Shah from Amnesty International USA about the campaign to pardon Edward Snowden.

5. October 2016

Joseph Gerson: US Foreign Policy, Japan and Ramstein

Im folgenden Video spricht acTVism Munich mit Joseph Gerson über US-Außenpolitik, Japan und Russland. Gerson arbeitet als Abrüstungskoordinator für das American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), sowie als Leiter der Programme in Neuengland und des Programms für Frieden und Wirtschaftssicherheit. Er ist seit 1976 für AFSC tätig. Die Organisation war 1947 Preisträger des Friedensnobelpreises.

30. September 2016

Re-examining History with Noam Chomsky: US Elite’s view of European Fascism before WW2

This is the beginning of a new series called “Reexamining History” in which we explore history and surface facts that are usually suppressed and/or ignored in mainstream historical literature.

17. September 2016

Noam Chomsky: “Every word in the phrase free trade agreement is just false.”

Prof. Noam Chomsky, der renommierte Linguist, Philosoph, Autor und Aktivist liefert den historischen Kontext von Freihandelsabkommen und erläutert die Auswirkungen, die das Abkommen auf Demokratie, Arbeitsrechte und die Umwelt haben könnte.