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Channel: The Spark

15. February 2021

Warum Wahlen weniger demokratisch sein könnten als wir denken | Filmemacher Jens Magnus

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this content into English.

1. February 2021

Das passiert, wenn Friedensaktivist:innen in eine US-Atom-Militärbasis in Deutschland einbrechen

In dieser Folge von “Der Funke” interviewen wir die Friedensaktivistin & Journalistin Ariane Dettloff über die Beweggründe und Konsequenzen ihres “Hausfriedensbruchs” am Fliegerhorst Büchel.

26. January 2021

Interview with EcoLeaks | The Fight against Fracking, Exploitation & Colonialism

In this episode of The Spark, we interview Esteban Servat, founder of EcoLeaks, about the background, purpose of the organization and his role in the environmental movement.

1. July 2020

Stopp Air Base Ramstein | Interview mit Dr. med. Lisann Marie Drews

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this content into English.

29. April 2020

Coronazeiten – Bürgerrechte, Demokratie & Lösungen | Mehr Demokratie e.V.

Due to limited financial and technical resources, we are unable to translate the following content into the English language.

27. April 2020

Grundeinkommen, Arbeitslosigkeit, Sanktionen & Lösungen während des Coronavirus | Sanktionsfrei e.V.

Due to limited financial and technical resources, we are unable to translate the following content into the English language.

5. March 2020

Wie Sie Whistleblower & die Demokratie Unterstützen können | Interview mit Whistleblower Netzwerk

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into the English language.