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13. December 2021

Daniel Ellsberg on Assange: “He should be freed to tell the world more truth”

In this video, former Pentagon insider turned whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg talks about his case and the similarities with the Assange case

12. December 2021


In this video, Glenn Greenwald comments on the decision made by a British High Court to extradite Julian Assange to the United States.

2. December 2021

Send Assange to the country that plotted to assassinate him? | Stella Moris speaks out

Send Assange to the country that plotted to assassinate him? | Stella Moris talks about the irregularities surrounding the Assange case.

1. December 2021

Daniel Ellsberg on Assange: “He should be freed to tell the world more truth”

In this video, former Pentagon insider turned whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg talks about his case and the similarities with the Assange case. He also emphasizes the importance of Assange’s journalistic work in exposing US war crimes.

26. November 2021

Paul Jay on the Assange case: “What will die here is the courage of journalists”

In this video, independent journalist, filmmaker and founder of theAnalysis.News Paul Jay comments on the Julian Assange case.

23. November 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Top media company demands reporters write pro-US/EU/Israel propaganda

The major media company Axel Springer SE, which owns Politico, Business Insider, and top German newspapers, was exposed for forcing its employees to write pro-US/EU/Israel propaganda. It has also been accused of being funded by the CIA.

19. November 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Abby Martin Confronts Nancy Pelosi Over Pentagon Spending at COP26

EDITORIAL PICK: Abby Martin Confronts Nancy Pelosi Over Pentagon Spending at COP26.

16. November 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: Julian Assange & CIA backed Assassination Plots: Stella Moris | Truth to Power with Lowkey

Via a/political: In an explosive, rare long form interview UK hip hop legend and activist Lowkey speaks to Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s partner Stella Moris.

9. November 2021

EDITORIAL PICK: The US government is trying to starve Venezuelans

Ben Norton explains how Washington is trying to starve civilians in Venezuela by imposing sanctions and trying to destroy the government’s CLAP food program.