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28. July 2023

The Truth About Ukraine’s “Rejected” NATO Membership, w/ Michael Tracey

The Truth About Ukraine’s “Rejected” NATO Membership, w/ Michael Tracey.

26. July 2023

Part 2: Debt and the Collapse of Antiquity – Michael Hudson

Part 2: Debt and the Collapse of Antiquity – Michael Hudson.

17. July 2023

John Mearsheimer—Leading International Relations Scholar—On US Power & the Darkness Ahead for Ukraine

Prof. Mearsheimer – führender Gelehrter für int. Beziehungen – über die dunkle Zukunft der Ukraine.

12. July 2023

Aaron Mate spars with British diplomat over Syria cover-up

Aaron Mate spars with British diplomat over Syria cover-up.

11. July 2023

Max Blumenthal addresses UN Security Council on Ukraine aid

Max Blumenthal addresses UN Security Council on Ukraine aid.

26. June 2023

Chris Hedges speaks at Rage Against the War Machine

Chris Hedges speaks at Rage Against the War Machine.

15. June 2023

Debt and the Collapse of Antiquity – Michael Hudson (pt 1/2)

Debt and the Collapse of Antiquity – Michael Hudson (pt 1/2).

13. June 2023

Roger Waters speaks at Rage Against the War Machine

Roger Waters speaks at Rage Against the War Machine .

8. June 2023

Ron Paul speaks at Rage Against the War Machine

Ron Paul speaks at Rage Against the War Machine.