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In this section we will be publishing exclusive and non-exclusive articles by various authors.

25. June 2016

European Parliament Calls for Investigation of Secret CIA Torture Sites

The European Parliament on Wednesday [8. June 2016] condemned the “apathy shown by member states and EU institutions” over torture in secret CIA prisons in Europe.

The Blunders of Fox News & Donald Trump on the Facts about Brexit

The 24th of June 2016 will be remembered as a significant day for the United Kingdom and the European Union. The importance of this day, it seems, were not taken seriously by everyone. For example Fox News, the US news channel owned by multimillionaire Rupert Murdoch, mistakenly got the facts wrong in its news bar in which it stated that UK decided to leave the UN instead of the EU.

24. June 2016

BREXIT – All You Need to Know

BREXIT  –  All You Need to Know In this video produced be Democracy Now! Brexit is debated, analyzed and discussed in detail – from the reasons why people chose to opt out of the European Union to what we can expect in the near and long term –  both on the continental level as well […]

20. June 2016

Exclusive Wikileaks Video Report – “First they came for Assange”

Exclusive Wikileaks Video Report – “First they came for Assange” For this exclusive acTVism video report, we travelled to the Volksbühne in Berlin in order to document the global event named “First they came for Assange” in which the case of Wikileaks and its founder, Julian Assange, was brought to the forefront. We talked directly […]

19. June 2016

LIVE STREAM: WikiLeaks “First they came for Assange”

LIVE STREAM: WikiLeaks “First they came for Assange” Today the 19th of June 2016 WikiLeaks are hosting an event at Berlin’s Volksbühne. The event “First they came for Assange” is being broadcasted simultaneously from several cities via video conference. This event focuses on the role and importance of whistleblowers and investigative journalists today. LIVE STREAM: […]

16. June 2016

Noam Chomsky speaks about the Dangers facing Humanity in the 21st Century

In diesem acTVism Munich Interview mit dem MIT-Professor, Anarchisten, Philosophen und renommierten Linguisten Noam Chomsky, sprechen wir über die drohenden Gefahren für die Menscheit und über mögliche verfügbare Mechanismen der Öffentlichkeit diese zu verhindern.

15. June 2016

Prosecution tasked to investigate Assange are being criminally investigated themselves

Prosecution tasked to investigate Assange are being criminally investigated themselves Today on the 15th of June 2016, Wikileaks announced on their Facebook page that the Swedish police have launched a criminal investigation into prosecutor Marrianne Ny over her handling of the Assange case.  Marrianne Ny (Swedish Prosecution Authority) heads the investigation against Assange that accuses him […]

9. June 2016

Perfect End to Democratic Primary: Anonymous Superdelegates Declare Winner Through Media

Last night, the Associated Press — on a day when nobody voted — surprised everyone by abruptly declaring the Democratic Party primary over and Hillary Clinton the victor.

6. June 2016

VIDEO: Edward Snowden – A Conversation on Privacy

In the first part Glenn Greenwald, Noam Chomsky and Edward Snowden speak about the boundaries between self and state and the boundaries between self and corporate interests. They speak about what role they play individually in the discussions about privacy, their personal motives and about activism.