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29. November 2023

Vijay Prashad – Israel-Palestine and the Context Missing in the Media

Vijay Prashad – Israel-Palestine and the Context Missing in the Media.

Media begin to redefine success in the Ukraine war | Greenwald

Media begin to redefine success in the Ukraine war | Greenwald.

27. November 2023

Glenn Greenwald – The censored letter from Osama Bin Laden

Glenn Greenwald – The censored letter from Osama Bin Laden

26. November 2023

Israeli politician accuses Israel of “fascism” & “war crimes” in Gaza

Israelischer Politiker äußert sich zu Israels “Kriegsverbrechen” & “Faschismus”

24. November 2023

Israel’s goals in Gaza & debunking the Mainstream Narrative – Dimitri Lascaris

Israel’s goals in Gaza & debunking the Mainstream Narrative – Dimitri Lascaris.

23. November 2023

Israeli politician accuses Israel of “fascism” & “war crimes” in Gaza

Israeli politician accuses Israel of “fascism” & “war crimes” in Gaza.

Jeffrey Sachs addresses the UN Security Council on the wars in Palestine, Syria & Ukraine

Jeffrey Sachs addresses the UN Security Council on the wars in Palestine, Syria & Ukraine.

22. November 2023

Israel’s goals in Gaza & debunking the Mainstream Narrative – Dimitri Lascaris

Israel’s goals in Gaza & debunking the Mainstream Narrative – Dimitri Lascaris.

21. November 2023

Columbia Prof. Jeffrey Sachs Condemns Israel’s War in Gaza 

Columbia Prof. Jeffrey Sachs Condemns Israel’s War in Gaza.