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12. October 2016

The Schamberger Report V

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!

11. October 2016

Chomsky and Varoufakis Discuss Modern Economic Theory and Education

This is the second vdeo part of an event which was presented by LIVE from the NYPL at the NYPL in which the renowned linguist and political philosopher, Noam Chomsky, and the former finance minister and founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement, Yanis Varoufakis, discuss the rise of economics in academia and education as well as its shortcomings.

7. October 2016

Edward Snowden: Spy or Whistleblower?

In the following video Sharmini Peries from The Real News Netowrk interviews Naureen Shah from Amnesty International USA about the campaign to pardon Edward Snowden.

The Schamberger Report IV

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!

5. October 2016

Joseph Gerson: US Foreign Policy, Japan and Ramstein

Im folgenden Video spricht acTVism Munich mit Joseph Gerson über US-Außenpolitik, Japan und Russland. Gerson arbeitet als Abrüstungskoordinator für das American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), sowie als Leiter der Programme in Neuengland und des Programms für Frieden und Wirtschaftssicherheit. Er ist seit 1976 für AFSC tätig. Die Organisation war 1947 Preisträger des Friedensnobelpreises.

4. October 2016

Ernst Wolff: What’s Behind the Drama of Deutsche Bank?

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and dub all of our work into English. Click here to donate!

30. September 2016

Re-examining History with Noam Chomsky: US Elite’s view of European Fascism before WW2

This is the beginning of a new series called “Reexamining History” in which we explore history and surface facts that are usually suppressed and/or ignored in mainstream historical literature.

28. September 2016

acTVism Munich Online TV Program October 2016

Welcome to our online TV program for October 2016. Here you will find information on our upcoming videos and projects. This month’s video releases include: Joseph Gerson, Yanis Varoufakis, Noam Chomsky, Glenn Greenwald, Edward Snowden and Ernst Wolff

The Schamberger Report III

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this content is only available in German. Please donate today so that we can translate and synchronize all of our work into English. Click here to donate!