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In this educational video we talk to the founder of Democracy at Work and Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Richard D. Wolff, about whether libertarianism is compatible with capitalism.
In diesem Audio-Interview erzählt der Aktivist und Kommunikationswissenschaftler Kerem Schamberger, warum die Polizei seine Wohnung durchsucht hat und warum er Follower wegen seinem politischen Aktivismus auf Facebook verliert.
In this video founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 and former finance minister of Greece Yanis Varoufakis talks about about the Universal Dividend, it’s differences with the Basic Income, how it will be financed and whether it will burden the working class.
In this educational video Medea Benjamin, the co-founder of CODEPINK, author and activist, talks about the military industrial complex – its history and the cultural role it plays in our society.
Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English.
Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English. Please donate today so we can translate all of our work into the English language by clicking here.
Zehn Jahre nach dem Beinahe-Zusammenbruch des globalen Finanzsystems gleicht die Wirtschafts- und Finanzwelt erneut einem Spielcasino. Der Grund: Die zur Rettung des Systems erzeugten und zu immer niedrigeren Zinssätzen vergebenen Geldmengen sind zum überwiegenden Teil nicht in die Realwirtschaft, sondern in den Finanzsektor geflossen.
In this week’s acTVism Editorial Pick, Aaron Mate from The Real News Network interviews Anand Gopal, an Afghanistan correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, about the actual civilian death toll in Iraq from the US bombing campaign as opposed to the figures provided by the U.S. government.