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10. April 2017

Yanis Varoufakis & Democracy in Europe Movement Project: Your Assistance is required!

On the 25th of May, we are planning to cover an event in Berlin that is being organized by the pan-Euorpean progressive movement founded by Yanis Varoufakis called Democracy in Europe Movement ( Diem25.official). This will include a report as well as an interview with Yanis Varoufakis in English & German.

FULL EVENT VIDEO: Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context with Edward Snowden & leading International Experts

FULL EVENT VIDEO: Freedom & Democracy – Global Issues in Context At the end of the Second World War a new era of globalization of capital and production began that continues on today and is enforced through manifold free trade agreements. Another turning point was 9/11. Since then, an increased military presence and an expanding […]

7. April 2017

Editorial Pick: Discussion on the Chemical attack, Geopolitics & History of Syria and the Region

This video produced by Democracy Now! and moderated by Amy Good is discussion between Yazan al-Saadi, a Syrian-Canadian writer, Medea Benjamin, cofounder of CodePink, Alia Malek, journalist and former human rights lawyer, and Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies about the recent US attack in Syria, the policies of the Trump administration in the Middle East as well as the geopolitical and historical role that the US has played in the region.

Is Trump Going to Commit the Next Great American Catastrophe in Syria?

Over half a million Syrians are dead. Half the population is displaced. Aerial bombardment by the Americans, the Russians, the Syrians and others continues to devastate Syria and Iraq. The Americans recently admitted to a major atrocity in Mosul, where 200 civilians have been killed.

Paul Jay on Corporate Media, Consumer Responsibility, Donald Trump, 9/11, Climate Change & The Real News Network

In this interview with the senior editor and founder of The Real News Network, Paul Jay, we examine the role of the mainstream media and how it covers underlying issues that shape and mold our society. In addition we examine the responsibility of the viewer & reader while consuming news and find out about the plans that The Real News Network has to approach people locally as well informing the international community about environmental issues.

5. April 2017

Release of Arctic Methane “May Be Apocalyptic,” Study Warns

This article was written by Dahr Jamail and originally appeared on Truthout. acTVism Munich translated it into the German language in order to create awareness on it to a global audience. For the article in English, click here. Copyright, Truthout. May not be reprinted without permission.

3. April 2017

REWIND: Interview with Yanis Varoufakis

In this video, acTVism Munich interviews Yanis Varoufakis, a world renowned economist who was a former member of the Greek parliament. He gained immense popularity when he served as finance minister (27 January 2015 – 6 July 2015) for the Greek government, a post that he left shortly after he found out that Greek government made the decision to implement the austerity package of the Troika against the popular vote (OXI) of the Greek people . This interview focuses on the history of the global economic system, the transformations that it underwent after World War II and attempts to connect it to the current economic crisis that is sweeping throughout Europe and the globe.

31. March 2017

Capitalism Tribunal – Dirty Profits & Indoctrination Accused

Due to limited financial and technical resources, this video is only available in German. Please donate today to our crowdfunding campaign so we can translate all of our content into English. Click here or on the picture below.

30. March 2017

Richard Wolff on Marxism, Capitalism, Corporations, Worker Cooperatives & Democracy at Work

In this interview with Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff, we talk to him about Marxism, global economy, corporations, alternatives & solutions.