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24. April 2017

Richard Wolff: The State of Capitalism – When and Why will it end?

In this educational video Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard Wolff, talks about Capitalism’s current and future state. Prof. Wolff also explains how changes in how the workplace is organized can have a transformative play a transformative role from Capitalism into a more humane and rational system.

REWIND: Educational Series with Ernst Wolff – The History and Politics of the IMF

In diesem Video sprechen wir mit dem Journalisten und Autor Ernst Wolff. Wolffs neuestes Buch heißt „Weltmacht IWF: Chronik eines Raubzugs“, welches auch auf Arabisch sowie Englisch erschienen ist. Diese Video-Serie zielt darauf ab, die Hintergründe des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) zu beleuchten und seine Rolle darzustellen, die er seit seiner Gründung bis heute eingenommen hat.

20. April 2017

Educational Video Series with Yanis Varoufakis: The State of the European Union

In this 3-part educational video series with former finance minister of Greece and founder of the Democracy in Europe 25 Movement (DiEM25), Yanis Varoufakis, the European Union is discussed in detail. From its deficits, current and future state to solutions that the union needs to employ in order to halt the ongoing socio-political crisis, this video series aims to provide context and also bring into light specific issues that are not discussed in mainstream discourse whenever crises emerge in the periphery states of the EU such as Greece.

13. April 2017

“U.S. media really love the pseudo-patriotism, militarism & use of technology” – Norman Solomon

“U.S. media really love the pseudo-patriotism, militarism & use of technology” – Norman Solomon Shortly after President Trump ordered 59 cruise missile strikes on the Syrian air base, U.S. media outlets fell all over themselves with praise for Trump’s action. Some called him presidential. According to an analysis by Fairness and Accuracy, in reporting five […]

Raytheon Stocks Surge After Chemical Attack, Personally Benefiting Trump

The stocks of the military contractor Raytheon surged following the missile attack, which used 59 of the company’s Tomahawk missiles, estimated to cost $1.4 million apiece. As stocks surged, Raytheon added about $1 billion to its market value Friday morning. According to financial disclosure filings, President Trump personally invests in Raytheon, meaning he profited directly from the attack.

12. April 2017

Richard Wolff: What is Public Debt? How is money printed? And how do Governments pay for Wars?

In this educational video Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard D. Wolff defines public debt & money printing. Prof. Wolff also talks about the role that corporate banks play in this system as well as how politicians can misuse and exploit this mechanism in order to garner political capital or justify wars.

The Rehabilitation of George W. Bush, War Criminal

So, he’s back. George W. Bush leaves his Dallas attic and his paintbrushes to visit the television studios. He has a book to flog—Portraits of Courage: A Commander in Chief’s Tribute to America’s Warriors.

11. April 2017

Airwars: Dozens of Iraqi Civilians Reportedly Killed by Airstrikes Last Week

The journalistic monitoring group Airwars says dozens of civilians have reportedly been killed in Iraq over the last week by airstrikes carried out by either the U.S.-led coalition or the U.S.-backed Iraqi military. On April 4, 20 civilians, including children, were reportedly killed in west Mosul by airstrikes.

REWIND: Noam Chomsky on the American Hegemony of Europe – History & Current State

This video is a 40-minute interview that we held with Noam Chomsky at the end of 2015, in which we discussed American Hegemony in Europe – past & present state.