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14. July 2017

Der Kriegseintritt der USA 1917: Ein Lehrstück für politischen Betrug | Ernst Wolff

Der Kriegseintritt der USA 1917: Ein Lehrstück für politischen Betrug Von Ernst Wolff US-Präsident Trump nimmt am 14. Juli in Paris zusammen mit seinem Amtskollegen Macron an einer Parade zum französischen Nationalfeiertag teil. Zum ersten Mal beteiligen sich in diesem Jahr auch amerikanische Soldaten an dem Aufmarsch. Als Anlass für ihre Teilnahme wird der vor […]

EVENT-TIP: Civil Religion – Does there have to be something questionable in our political system?

Jean-Jacques Rousseau forderte in seiner politischen Philosophie die Einführung einer Zivilreligion, die als eine feste Grundlage für die ansonsten dynamische Politik gelten soll. Dieses Konzept taucht andernorts als Konstitutionalismus, als Grundkonsens oder als Leitkultur auf: das, worüber sich sogar politische Gegner einig sein müssen, weil sonst das Gemeinwesen zerfällt.

12. July 2017

Analysis from Leading UN Human Rights Expert on Free Trade Agreements – REWIND

In this video Alfredo-Maurice de Zayas provides an in-depth analysis on the so-called “Free Trade Agreements” and their possible effects.

11. July 2017

What role is Germany playing in the European Union? With Yanis Varoufakis

In this video founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, author & former finance minister of Greece, Yanis Varoufakis, explains Germany’s role in the European Union and what we should take into account when we hear the term “multi-speed” Europe.

10. July 2017

What you need to know about the G20 Summit in Hamburg in Retrospect | With Sören Altstaed

In this video we talk a Masters student of Sociology at the University of Hamburg, political activist and the Coordinator of DiEM25 in Hamburg, Sören Altstaedt, about his experience at the G20 Summit in Hamburg and the actions that were planned against it.

9. July 2017

What you need to know about the G20 Summit in Hamburg in Retrospect | With Sören Altstaed

In this video we talk a masters student of sociology at the University of Hamburg, political activist and the Coordinator of DiEM25 in Hamburg, Sören Altstaedt, about his experience at the G20 Summit in Hamburg and the actions that were planned against it.

8. July 2017

Noam Chomsky: The Propaganda Model & Political Economy of the Mass Media – PART 2

The following video is the Question & Answer session of a historical lecture held by Prof. Noam Chomsky at the Unversity of Wisconsin on the evening of March 15, 1989.

EDITORIAL PICK: How G20 Governments are Financing Climate Disaster

In this video produced by The Real News Network, Senior Campaigner at Oil Change International Alex Doukas talks about the policies of the G20 States that ae contributing to Climate Change.

6. July 2017

Richard D. Wolff talks about the Basic Universal Income & Technology

In this educational video we talk to Professor of Economics Emeritus (University of Massachusetts), Marxist economist and founder of Democracy at Work, Richard Wolff, about the Basic Universal Income and whether it poses any dangers. In addition discuss the role of technological progress in our society and how it should be implemented in the workplace.