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27. December 2017

REWIND: Everything that You need to know about the Israel-Palestine Conflict | With Dr. Shir Hever

In this educational video series that we produced in 2017 with independent journalist, author & economic researcher, Dr. Shir Hever, we took a contextual, systemic and historical approach towards the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Do you want to influence the world positively? Here ist a list of Initiatives!

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate this article into English.

26. December 2017

The full Translation: Snowden, Chomsky & Greenwald – A Conversation on Privacy

In March of 2016, acTVism Munich contacted the University of Arizona College of Social and Behavioural Sciences for permission to translate into German an event called “A Conversation on Privacy” which hosted Edward Snowden, Glenn Greenwald and Noam Chomsky with the goal of creating awareness in Germany on the issues discussed pertaining to privacy and democracy.

25. December 2017

REWIND: The complete acTVism Video series with Dr. Daniele Ganser

Here you will find all videos that acTVism Munich produced with Dr. Daniele Ganser in 2017.

24. December 2017

The Edward Snowden Interview in Munich that the Media in Germany did not pay any attention to

This interview was undertaken by acTVism Munich on the 15th of January 2017 in Munich and was published in different parts due to technical difficulties. Hence it was republished today as one full version.

23. December 2017

REWIND: Why the Universal Basic Income is a Necessity | Yanis Varoufakis

In this video former finance minister of Greece, professor of economics, author and founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25), Yanis Varoufakis, argues why the Basic Income is a necessity today.

22. December 2017

EDITORIAL PICK: Jill Stein Denounces Probe over ‘Collusion with Russians’

In this week’s acTVism Editorial pick, Aaron Mate of The Real News Network talks to Jill Stein, the American Green Party’s presidential candidate in 2016 and 2012 , about why her party is currently being investigated for “Russian Collusion” by the Senate Intelligence Committee.

The Propaganda Model & the Political Economy of the Mass Media | Noam Chomsky

The following video presents the Question & Answer session followed by a historical lecture held by Prof. Noam Chomsky at the University of Wisconsin on the evening of March 15, 1989. In this speech, Prof. Chomsky introduced the Propaganda Model and explained how propaganda and systemic biases function in mass media by providing numerous examples from their coverage on foreign affairs.

21. December 2017

EDITORIAL PICK: Jeremy Scahill on the U.S.-Backed Atrocities in Yemen

In this video bestselling author, investigative reporter and co-founder of The Intercept, Jeremy Scahill, talks about how the mainstream media’s obsession with Russiagate is diverting the public from one of the worst humanitarian catastrophes unfolding today in Yemen.