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30. October 2018

Another Alternative to Facebook: Openbook!

We did an interview with Openbook, a network that promotes being more user-friendly and transparent than its biggest competitor: Facebook. We asked the young team a few questions to find out exactly how they wanted to implement their ideas.

28. October 2018

“Die Kurden – Ein Volk zwischen Unterdrückung & Rebellion” | Interview mit Autor Kerem Schamberger

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

25. October 2018

MAKING THE BLACK BOX SPEAK: Performing Arts – Musik – Medienkunst – politisches Happening im Muffatwerk

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

20. October 2018

The Future of The Empire Files & Social Media Censorship | Interview with Abby Martin

In this exclusive interview with independent journalist, filmmaker, activist and founder of The Empire Files, Abby Martin, we talk about why her show was forced to shut down its operations and how people can assist to get it started again.

19. October 2018

The State of the U.S. Empire | Interview with a Former Insider of the U.S. Gov. & Retired Army Colonel

In this interview we talk to a retired U.S. retired Army Colonel & the former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell about the state of the U.S. Empire.

18. October 2018

Know your Stuff: Israel’s “Jewish Nation-State Law” Explained by Dr. Shir Hever

In this video independent economic researcher, author and journalist, Dr. Shir Hever, explains Israel’s “Jewish Nation-State Law”, provides context to it and examines its significance.

11. October 2018

EDITORIAL PICK: “Two Minutes to Midnight” with Prof. Noam Chomsky

acTVism’s editorial team picked this video to publish and also translate into the German language given the important issues that were surfaced within this speech.

6. October 2018

Greece and the Lie of “Recovery” from the Financial Crisis

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into Engl

3. October 2018

Yanis Varoufakis addresses Public Questions – Fiscal Waterboarding, Militarization & Bernie Sanders

In this video Yanis Varoufakis addresses diverse questions that acTVism Munich received from the public.