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26. November 2018

Yanis Varoufakis on Julian Assange and the Political Economy & future of Europe

In this exclusive interview with bestselling author, former finance minister of Greece and the co-founder of the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025, Yanis Varoufakis, we talk about the case of Julian Assange.

Kein Bock auf Black Friday? Dann komm zum Giving Tuesday!

Due to limited financial & technical resources as a non-profit and volunteer-based organization, we were unable to translate the following content into English.

25. November 2018

DiEM25 in Germany – Democratising Europe with a Progressive Plan

In this video we document the activities of the pan-European progressive movement called the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 (DiEM25) during its political assembly that it held on the 24th of November 2018 in Berlin. The

21. November 2018

A political blog with a strong focus on Visuals | The Spark with “shift happens”

In diesem Interview mit Benjamin Probst stellen wir seine Initiative shift happens vor.

18. November 2018

Interview with Dr. Michael Shermer on Religion, Afterlife, Skepticism, Politics & the future of Humanity

Aufgrund limitierter finanzieller Mittel stehen manche Videos ggf. derzeit nur auf Englisch zur Verfügung.

13. November 2018

The State of the U.S. Empire | Interview with a Former Insider of the U.S. Gov. & Retired Army Colonel

In this interview we talk to a retired U.S. retired Army Colonel (31 years) and the former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell (2002-2005), Prof. Lawrence Wilkerson.

3. November 2018

Why Africa is actually a Net Creditor to the Rest of the World | Interview with Prof. Ndikumana – PART 2

This is second part of the interview series with Prof. Léonce Ndikumana that examines the role that Western governments, multinational corporations and the international banking system play in regards to capital flight and odious debt in Africa.

2. November 2018

“Come getcher medicine” | acTVism Munich Comics

Sprachlos, the German word for ‘speechless’ in English, is the overarching theme for my dialogue free, single-page comics.

31. October 2018

EDITORIAL PICK: Former Pentagon Insider & Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg warns of Nuclear War

Here you will find the speech that Daniel Ellsberg held at the event “Two Minutes to Midnight”.