The Ukrainian missile that hit Poland and was first attributed to Russia was one of the most dangerous moments since the Russian invasion. Daniel Ellsberg says as it was for Kennedy in 1962 in Cuba, so it is now for Putin in Ukraine. There is no actual national security threat, only a threat to the leader’s domestic political survival. That does not mean the danger isn’t real.
This video was produced and published on their YouTube channel on November 22, 2022. We republished it today on our channel to raise more awareness about this issue – locally and internationally. Visit & support their channel by clicking here.
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Daniel Ellsberg was a consultant with the Pentagon and the White House, where he drafted plans for nuclear war. In his book titled The Doomsday Machine: Confessions of a Nuclear War Planner, Ellsberg reveals for the first time copies of top-secret documents from his nuclear studies—an entire second set of papers in addition to the Pentagon Papers, for which he is known to have leaked in 1971. Ellsberg is also the author of a 2003 memoir about the Pentagon Papers and Vietnam called Secrets. He’s the subject of the Oscar-nominated documentary The Most Dangerous Man in America. Ellsberg is a character in the Steven Spielberg film about the Pentagon Papers called The Post released in 2017.
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