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CIA - Saddam Hussein

CIA Interrogator of Saddam Hussein reveals the lies of the Iraq War

15. July 2022

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In this video produced by Democracy Now! on the 28th of December 2016, and translated by acTVism Munich volunteers into German, John Nixon, the CIA analyst who interrogated Saddam Hussein after his capture circa 14 years ago, reveals that much of what the CIA believed to know about Saddam Hussein at the time of the invasion was wrong. For example, Nixon’s interrogation of Hussein revealed that by 2003 Hussein had largely turned over power to his aides, so he could concentrate on writing a novel and that there was no program of weapons of mass destruction. These warnings, Nixon claims, were ignored by the highest authorities in Washington.

We republished it today to promote historical and contextual understanding of political issues.

VIDEO: CIA Interrogator of Saddam Hussein reveals the lies of the Iraq War

VIDEO: CIA Interrogator Reveals Saddam Hussein Predicted Rise of ISIS & U.S. Failure in Iraq

To watch more of our videos on this topic or with other experts such as Edward Snowden, Noam Chomsky, Abby Martin, Yanis Varoufakis, Glenn Greenwald, Jeremy Scahill, Jill Stein, Daniel Ellsberg, etc, please visit and subscribe to our YouTube channel by clicking here.

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