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Ukraine's Draft Dodger Problem Grows as Russia Gains Ground in War

Ukraine’s Draft Dodger Problem Grows as Russia Gains Ground in War

11. June 2024

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In this video, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Glenn Greenwald interviews Professor Ivan Katchanovski regarding the growing resistance among Ukrainian men to being drafted into the military to fight in the war against Russia. They discuss evidence from various regions of Ukraine showing men physically resisting conscription, as well as statistics indicating that millions of Ukrainian men are trying to avoid military registration.

This video was produced by System Update and published on YouTube on the 4th of June, 2024.

VIDEO: Ukraine’s Draft Dodger Problem Grows as Russia Gains Ground in War

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Professor Ivan Katchanovski teaches at the School of Political Studies & Conflict Studies and Human Rights Program at the University of Ottawa. He specialises in researching comparative politics, conflicts, political communication, and policy in Ukraine, the US, and Canada. He was Visiting Scholar at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies at Harvard University, Visiting Assistant Professor at the Department of Politics at the State University of New York at Potsdam, Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto, and Kluge Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Kluge Center at the Library of Congress.

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