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Hillary Clinton’s Former Advisor considers Noam Chomsky’s Political Views as “Ridiculous” leaked Emails Reveal

3. April 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Former Advisor considers Noam Chomsky’s Political Views as “Ridiculous” leaked Emails Reveal

A newly discovered Email in Hillary Clinton’s Email archive available on WikiLeaks [1] dating back to the 17th of May, 2010, shows that Sidney Blumenthal, former aide to President Bill Clinton and long-time confidant to Hillary Clinton, sent an Email to Hillary Clinton when she was serving in the State Department in regards to the barring of Noam Chomsky’s entry into Israel .

Sidney Blumenthal, although expressing contempt for Chomsky’s political views, urges the United States not to be a “passive onlooker” as he points out that this incident could be “profitable” if Israel would be made to understand that it cannot undertake such actions towards critics coming from the US or Europe. This suggests that Blumenthal was merely seeking a profitable opportunity for Hillary Clinton’s State Department instead of acting out of principle. It’s also indicative of the fact that Blumenthal’s concern extends only to critics coming from the United States and Europe since there is no mention of Palestine or other countries.

On May 17th, 2010, Blumenthal wrote to Hillary Clinton :

“His [Noam Chomsky] political views may be ridiculous or objectionable, though he is the
greatest linguistic scholar in the world, but barring him for his political opinions has created
a needless PR disaster, not least for the US, as he is, after all, a US citizen, and a very
prominent one internationally. It is unfortunate on every level. And the US should not be a passive
onlooker. He is a US citizen barred for his political views, after. This story is splashed
across the European press this morning. Not what anyone needs, yes, yes, like a hole in the head,
and bone stupid, but the US effort to gain entry should be part of the story. This incident can
be profitable if Israel understands it should not be doing this to US or European critics in the
future. This is a downward slope, bad news for everyone involved.” [2]

Our research tracked no active response from Hillary Clinton’s State Department towards this incident and her reply to Blumenthal’s Email was simply to ask for some copies related to this development:

“Pls print 3 copies.” [2]

Although this revelation shows only a brief exchange and is amongst the 30,322 Emails available on Wikileaks, it speaks volumes on Hillary’s Clintons lack of concern for freedom of expression in Israel as well Sidney Blumenthal’s opportunistic  reaction towards this incident.

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1. Wikileaks. “Hillary Clinton Email Archive.” Wikileaks. Wikileaks, 16 Mar. 2016. Web. 1 Apr. 2016. <>.
2. Wikileaks. “Hillary Clinton Email Archive.” Wikileaks. Wikileaks, 16 Mar. 2016. Web. 1 Apr. 2016. <>.



2 replies on “Hillary Clinton’s Former Advisor considers Noam Chomsky’s Political Views as “Ridiculous” leaked Emails Reveal”

merci mon amies chomskys de vous sentiment vairs la cultures est la vérités de la philosophies qui démontés les chose pour un propre montages a de valeurs existes qui dance sur les forums mathématique .
mon amie est nous au monde entiez dans une révolution des changes toute la mentalités des classique histoire .je te donne une fièvre position a cause des Palestine qui reste toute Palestine de l histoires arabic est islamique pas de plus est pas de moine .est ce cauchemar qui s appelle israélite .seulement un malle passages .est il a aucun relation environnementales des Palestine.seulement des groupes criminelles des sioniste qui profite le pouvoirs financières occupés l économies des monde aussi a cause de l espionnages de les payés au service des autre payés qui on tombés dans le piégés de son rédaction est la preuve le châtiment agrément de bilfors .est recherché mon la grands britannique tombé dans ce pièges est signés un payés pour les sioniste qui na pas de luis est ce payés occupais dans son confiance .est tu sais les règlement de l occupations .est toute sa mon amie c est pas faveurs pour les camarade ou les amies .les sioniste joués son méthode de prissions de les service par exemple en économies ou l espionnages est finance est tu sais l histoire de cette période ………………………………
maintenant les organes de la base est changés c est le tours de la vérités le monde islamique est relèves .l équivalent de la force est reposante . oui tu me bombardés mes j ai péchés les source de ton bombardement est je le bombarde a cause d un petits truques les chose en techniques .sa par exemples .il reste un notes il faut que je le dires .tu crois que les sioniste aimes américa .vous thang si vous dites que il on aimes américa .je te donné la photos de américa pour les sioniste .un coffre forts de son capitales au formes de business est ???????????/
tu sais mon si les sioniste refroidie Palestine au son service qui ns appelles israélite ce que va arrive /transferrines générales de toutes les capitaliste sioniste de américa .ici américa en collapse économique est financières .sa seulement un imagination existe .mes sa ne arrives pas puisque ésraél va éliminés en Palestine.
moussaoui ahmed
merci mon amies chomskys est désolés

Noam Chomsky’s Political Views as “Ridiculous” ?

Really? Well then…how about a televised public debate on American Foreign Policy since WW2?

Mr. Phillips

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